Zachary is a father of two who loves to play with his kids, be outdoors backpacking and gardening, plays nerdy board games, and primarily gets around town by foot, bike, and transit. He is deeply aware of the environmental damage we humans cause and tries to do things–ditch the car, use less electricity, consume fewer things and avoid plastics, repair rather than rebuy, buy/trade second hand, eat fewer animal products, etc.–that will lessen his impact on the world around him. As a candidate for Vice Chair of the Board, Zachary's primary goal is creating safer streets and sidewalks that are safe for all, not just those in cars. He will also advocate for walkable neighborhoods where groceries, cafes/restaurants, and shops are accessible by walking and rolling. Zachary believes many hands make lighter work, and hopes his efforts with the RCPNA board, combined with those of his neighbors, can create a cleaner, greener, and safer community.