1. Hello Rose City Park Neighborhood Association
    I am a volunteer with the Architectural Heritage Center and I’m creating a walking tour in RCP. It has come to my attention through a very reputable source that back at the origination of Rose City Park there was a competition for the best front yard landscape in the development. Do you have any historical treatments of your neighborhood? Any comparisons with other streetcar suburbs? Any source of anecdotal stories? I can be reached by phone too at 415-342-5114. Thank you for your consideration.

  2. Thank you so much for reaching out! We hadn’t heard about that contest or comparisons to other neighborhoods. We do have some fabulous gardens in Rose City Park! If you are interested, there is a Rose City Park History book that can be purchased for $20 that has all kinds of great neighborhood facts. Just email historybook@rcpna.org for more information. Cheers! Jennifer Santhouse

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