Special Meeting of Land Use & Transportation Committee, Thur Sept 29 7-9pm

Please join me for a Special meeting of the LU & TC taking place Thurs. Sept. 29th from 7-9 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda. This Special meeting was scheduled at our last meeting on Sept 15th to allow our Committee to focus and comment on the Comprehensive Plan “Early Implementation Package”.  This massive set of policy documents are scheduled for City Council hearings Oct. 6th and 13th. It includes the following:

      1. ·       Zoning Map– Note: Impacts 60th Ave. Sta. Area and Mixed Use Commercial Zone
      2. ·       Transportation Systems Plan(TSP) – Note: Includes possible reducing vehicular lanes and on-street parking to allow bicycle lanes on Sandy Blvd. from NE 82nd through Hollywood where the Planning and Sustainability Commission recommends NE Sandy Blvd. as a Bikeway along with Halsey. Transportation Demand Management strategies for new Campus Institutional Zone (think Providence Hospital)
      3. ·       Community Involvement Program

The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Staff recommendations can be found at: www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/pdxcompplan
The Portland Bureau of Transportation Stage 2 TSP can be found here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/588792

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