RCPNA Land Use & Transportation Committee Recommendations for Comprehensive Plan Implementation

Click below to view a copy of the RCPNA testimony to the City Council regarding the Transportation System Plan Stage 2.

The Rose City Park Land Use & Transportation Committee recommended a parallel route to NE Halsey for the City Bikeway designation.  But, no such vote was taken regarding the NE Sandy Blvd designation as the same.

Instead the Committee unanimously agreed to support on-street parking for businesses, engaging the businesses if there are any proposed streetscape changes, and requiring an impact study be done that includes travel modes and impact on residential and commercial properties if a bike lane is proposed for NE Sandy Blvd.

In addition, in a unanimous vote, the Committee supported language to include ‘health impact due to air quality’ to the definition of City Bikeway.  This was done since there is now empirical scientific evidence that there are negative long-term and short-term impacts to bicyclists who travel on freight corridor arterial streets, rather than less traveled residential streets.


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