Reminder: Free Concert in the Park this Saturday! (6-8pm)

Reminder to bring the whole family out to a fun (and free!) evening in Rose City Park this Saturday.

Saturday July 22, 2017
Our July 22nd concert will be an Irish Hooley, featuring Nancy Conescu, along with the Murray School of Irish Dancing. Nancy is widely recognized, particularly throughout Ireland, for her vocal and guitar work, where she has appeared on concert stages, radio, and television. The Murray Irish Dance Troupe, well known for its high-energy performances and vividly attractive costumes, never fails to engage its audience, whether young or old. Every performance is marked by toe tapping, foot stomping and hand-clapping in the spirit of Irish culture, music, and tradition. For more information, please visit



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Sat May 13 – Spring Concert at the German American Society

At 3pm on Saturday May 13th the ‘Liedertafel Harmonie’ will present their Spring 2017 Concert. Come and enjoy the beautiful music of Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and more. Coffee and cake is included with your $10. admission (under age 7 – free).

Bring family and friends for a musical treat to celebrate the Springtime in our City of Roses.
The German American Society of Portland, 5626 N.E. Alameda St., Portland, Oregon 97213

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