Fellow Committee members and Interested Neighbors,
As Chairwoman, I am calling a Special Board Meeting to be scheduled on Tuesday, March 1st from 7:00-9:00 pm on Zoom. The sole purpose of this meeting is to receive the Land Use and Transportation Committee Transmittal with recommendations, minutes, and submitted testimony on the NE Sacramento Street “Slow Streets” project proposed by Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
The intent by PBOT is to install permanent barricades, signs, and striping in the street making the temporary designation of “Slow Streets” at the intersections of NE 62nd and 64th on Sacramento permanent with signage posting a “15 mph” limit, removing “local only” signs. In addition, a striped crosswalk on NE Sacramento is proposed located the top of the Rose City Park stairs. The LUTC includes the consideration of the NE 64th/Brazee crosswalk installation for Safe Routes to Schools and the City-recognized (Mt. Hood) View Point in its recommendation for the Slow Streets treatment at that location.
This meeting, as with all RCPNA meetings, is open to the public and testimony will be received in person at the meeting following the LUTC report. Testimony may also be submitted in writing that is received by 5:00 pm February 28th .
Email testimony may be submitted as follows:
To: info@rcpna.org
Topic: Sacramento Slow Streets Testimony
** In the Body of the email include: your full name, address, contact information
The Agenda and documents are to be published by February 22nd and made available on our RCPNA.org website. The Zoom link information: RCPNA Special Board Meeting-Slow Streets-Zoom
Thank you for your consideration.
Tamara DeRidder, AICP