General Meeting Next Tues, Jan 24th

RCPNA General Meeting  (PDF Format Here)

Tuesday January 24th, 2017

Rose City Park Neighborhood Association’s (RCPNA’s) next general membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24th, 7 – 9 pm. Residents, property and business owners located within RCPNA are encouraged to attend but all are welcomed.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St., which is ADA-and transit-accessible (TriMet bus lines 12 and 71).  Doors open at 6:30 pm.

Below is the agenda:

7:00 -7:10        Welcome and Introductions – Tamara DeRidder, RCPNA Chair

7:10 – 7:25      NE Neighborhoods Public Safety Action Committee (PSAC) Update – Gary Points, RCPNA Board Member.

7:25 – 7:45      Air Quality Update – DEQ representative & David Gates, Chair of Environmental Committee.

7:45 – 8:15      RCP Neighborhood Street Tree Inventory Overview & Next Steps – David Gates

  • Jim Gersbach – City of Portland Urban Forestry;
  • Jessie Stemmler – Friends of Trees

8:15 – 8:45        City Residential Infill Project Update – Joe Zehnder, Chief Planner, or Sandra Wood, Supervising Planner, Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

8:45 – 9:00      Closing Comments

Volunteers Needed:

  • RCPNA Historian – To store and tend historic archive materials for RCPNA, including 1st edition RCPNA History Book materials.
  • E-mail Newsletter Editor – Lead our Email Newsletter Initiative using the MailChimp system with the goal of publishing up to one newsletter/month by consolidating RCPNA Committee updates.
  • May Cleanup & Garage Sale – Cleanup: direct traffic; direct people to recycling stations; & collect money. Garage Sale: donation sorters; assist customers; and help determine reasonable prices.

Interested in Volunteering? Contact us at or Chairwoman Tamara DeRidder at 503-249-6977.

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Rose City Park General Meeting Tuesday Oct 25 7-9pm


Next week’s General Meeting for the neighborhood association provides you with a great opportunity to learn more about the issues on this year’s ballot. Plus, you can hear from the candidates themselves in the Portland City Commissioner race — both Steve Novick and Chloe Eudaly will be here in person to present their priorities if elected as your City Commissioner.

October 25 RCPNA General Meeting Features November Ballot Information

Rose City Park Neighborhood Association’s (RCPNA’s) next interactive general meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25, 7 – 9 pm. The meeting is open to the public and will be held at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St., which is ADA-and transit-accessible (TriMet bus lines 12 and 71). Doors open at 6:30 pm. Below is the agenda:

7 -7:10 Welcome and Introductions – Tamara DeRidder, RCPNA Chair

7:10 – 7:35 Commission #4 Candidates Steve Novick and Chloe Eudaly 12 min. presentations each

7:35 – 8:10 Women League of Voters Presentation on Measures 97, 98, 99, 26-178 and 26- 179 – Patricia Garner 5 min. presentations on each measure and then Q&A at the end

8:10 – 8:40 Pro and Con Views on Measure 97 Pro View – Yes on 97 – Sandra McDonough, Portland Business Alliance Pres./CEO Con View – NO on 97: Defeat the Tax on Oregon Sales – Brian Setzler 7 min. presentations and then Q&A at the end

8:40 – 8:55 Renew Oregon Presentation – Brett Thompson

8:55 – 9:00 Closing Comments

Official Meeting Agenda (pdf)

See you there!

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Special Meeting of Land Use & Transportation Committee, Thur Sept 29 7-9pm

Please join me for a Special meeting of the LU & TC taking place Thurs. Sept. 29th from 7-9 pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda. This Special meeting was scheduled at our last meeting on Sept 15th to allow our Committee to focus and comment on the Comprehensive Plan “Early Implementation Package”.  This massive set of policy documents are scheduled for City Council hearings Oct. 6th and 13th. It includes the following:

      1. ·       Zoning Map– Note: Impacts 60th Ave. Sta. Area and Mixed Use Commercial Zone
      2. ·       Transportation Systems Plan(TSP) – Note: Includes possible reducing vehicular lanes and on-street parking to allow bicycle lanes on Sandy Blvd. from NE 82nd through Hollywood where the Planning and Sustainability Commission recommends NE Sandy Blvd. as a Bikeway along with Halsey. Transportation Demand Management strategies for new Campus Institutional Zone (think Providence Hospital)
      3. ·       Community Involvement Program

The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Staff recommendations can be found at:
The Portland Bureau of Transportation Stage 2 TSP can be found here:

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East Portland Transportation Town Hall & Open House (Oct 5 2016 6-8pm)

On behalf of the Commissioner Steve Novick and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), I would like to invite you (and members of your community) to an East Portland Transportation Town Hall + Open House event. The meeting will provide residents and other East Portland stakeholders with the opportunity to meet with PBOT staff and learn about programs and projects that are delivering better, safer streets and other transportation upgrades to your community.

The event will include a special briefing about Fixing our Streets, the program funded by the new local gas tax that will provide significant improvements to streets, sidewalks, bike lanes, signals and safe routes to school in East Portland and across Portland. This interactive project map shares more information about the improvements committed across the city.

The meeting will take place on October 5th from 6 to 8 p.m. in the South Cafeteria of David Douglas High School, 1001 SE 135th Ave., Portland, OR 97233. Commissioner Steve Novick and Director Leah Treat will attend. They will be joined by PBOT project managers responsible for implementing the various East Portland projects and other important PBOT services. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide input on the Fixing Our Streets projects that are being planned in the community.

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Sept 6 RCPNA Board Meeting Agenda

As a reminder, all neighbors are invited to attend RCPNA board meetings.

Sept 6 2016 RCPNA Board Meeting Agenda


September 6, 2016 RCPNA Board Meeting
German American Society
Steven Effros Minutes Taker
1. Welcome and Introductions: Tamara DeRidder (5 minutes – 7:05)

2. Review and Approval of the June 21 General Meeting Minutes and the August 2 Board Meeting Minutes (5 minutes – 7:10)

3. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes – 7:15)

4. New Board Members (15 minutes – 7:30)

5. Planning for the October General Meeting and Preliminary Discussion of Future General Meetings (25 minutes – 7:55)

6. Committee Reports: Each Committee Gives Update (40 minutes – 8:35)

Clean Up – Discuss hand off from Rob Coleman to Steve Effros
Communications – We have a new chair; next newsletter deadline (9/10)
Emergency Preparedness
Entertainment – Discuss hand off from Craig Lindsay to Gary Points
Land Use & Transportation

7. Budget – Getting Started on Fund Raising: Tamara DeRidder, Deb Field, Richard Crockett (15 minutes – 8:50)

8. Board Operations (5 minutes – 8:55)

Conflict of Interest Statements

9. New Business (5 minutes – 9:00)

10. Adjourn (9:10)

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