Rose City Blood Drive – Give Something that Means Something – Friday, December 15, 2023

Rose City Blood Drive
Sponsored by German Haus

Main Hall
5626 NE Alameda St Portland, OR 97213

Friday, December 15, 2023
11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

To schedule your appointment or for more information, please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit Sponsor Code: GermanHaus.  Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
Visit our FaceBook Event and show that you’re Interested or Going.
Please visit to schedule an appointment or use our convenient QR Codes below.

Schedule your blood donation appointment today!

1-800-RED CROSS | | Download the Blood Donor App

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East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District’s free fall nature workshop series!

We are sharing the news of East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District’s free fall nature workshop series! EMSWCD are offering free workshops ranging from Creating an Edible Landscape to Water Conservation. More information and sign-up here Upcoming Workshops and Events | EMSWCD.

Check out the EMSWCD Fall Workshops 2023 flyer with the schedule and descriptions of each workshop.

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Oktoberfest is back! September 9, 1pm-9pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

Prost! It’s time to raise your steins and shout “O’zaptf is!” because Oktoberfest is back at the German Haus! Join us on September 9 for an authentic German celebration like no other. We’ve got all the ingredients for a perfect Oktoberfest – delicious food, exciting games, lively music, and of course, BIER BIER BIER!!!


Volunteers get free admission and a free drink!
Info and signup at

Oktoberfest Flyer (Print PDF)

General admission: $7 advance. $10 gate
Stein admission: $20 advance. $25 gate
*Stein ticket gets you entry, your own .5 liter glass stein, and a drink ticket to fill it up!

Tickets on sale now! Schedule, and more info at

German Haus
5626 NE Alameda St., Portland, OR 97213

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Free Concert in the Park July 22, 6-8pm featuring ClusterF*lk

Summer Concerts

Free Summer “Picnic in the Park Concert”

Rose City Park
NE 62nd Ave. and NE Thompson St.

2023 concert info: July 22, 6-8pm

Featuring ClusterF*lk

The RCPNA Picnic in the Park Concert on July 22, 2023 promises to be a night of foot-tapping, head-bopping fun with the talented ClusterF*lk taking the stage. Composed of Dave Monro on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Keith Johnson on drums, Matt Gantz on guitar, and Daniel Manuszak on bass, ClusterF*lk is an Americana rock n’ roll band that has been playing together for four years. The band’s musical influences include Jason Isbell, Tom Petty, and James McMurtry, and they embody the American rock n’ roll singer-songwriter style in their music.

Cluster Folk band photo


ClusterF*lk recently recorded several new songs which are now available on Spotify, and they have been playing in various local establishments around town. But their beginnings are much humbler than that. In fact, they started by playing in Keith’s front yard right here in Rose City Park, providing some much-needed relief during the last three years of social distancing. They quickly became popular with their neighbors, and their fame grew from there. Check them out on Instagram @cluster.folk, and give their music a listen on Spotify. You won’t be disappointed.

The RCPNA Picnic in the Park Concert is the perfect venue for ClusterF*lk’s lively music, and it promises to be a great night out for the whole family. The concert is scheduled for July 22, 2023, from 6-8 pm at Rose City Park, and admission is free for everyone. So, pack a picnic, bring a blanket or lawn chairs, and settle in for an evening of great music. It’s a night you won’t want to miss! Mark your calendars!

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Preserving Our Neighborhood Treasure

by Suzanne Briggs, Rose City Bluff Restoration Volunteer. 

We have a wildlife treasure in our midst; and our aim is to enhance and preserve it!

This wildlife corridor adjoins the north edge of the Rose City Golf Course and parallels NE Sacramento St.  For the last five years an ever-growing group of neighborhood residents has worked to remove invasive plants, such as Himalayan Blackberries, and to replace them with appropriate native plants.  Our goal is to restore the area to its native ecology and to provide a refuge for native plants and animals, and to provide an easy walk for area residents to enjoy the beauty of nature.

To date we have cleared large swaths of blackberry brambles and invasive plants, spread woodchips in four designated areas and planted more than 800 native plants.  Many of these young plants are marked with bamboo stakes.

We have achieved this by informally gathering every Sunday morning for two hours. In 2023, in addition to this weekly work, we plan to schedule work parties on the third Sunday of each month to tackle specific projects; and to sponsor special educational events e.g.  Native Plant Education Walks, Native Planting Days and Birding Education Walks.

The Rose City Bluff Restoration is an informal volunteer organization that is working in partnership with Portland Parks and Recreation, Central NE Neighborhood Coalition and East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation. To learn more about the Rose City Bluff Restoration activities, check out our website: or contact us at

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Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Survey

Rose City Park Neighborhood Association Survey

The board of Rose City Park Neighborhood Association would love your feedback!

What do you want from your neighborhood association?

In the past, some of our activities have been:

– Hosting community events like concerts in the park and ebike rides
– Organizing the neighborhood yard sale
– Improvement actions like mulching of trees in Frazier park and neighborhood cleanups
– Advocacy and interfacing with the City of Portland about transportation, development, and park projects
– Hosting election forums
– Organizing neighborhood emergency response plans

We want to hear from you!

Are these effective ways to bring value to our community?

What else could our neighborhood association do to bring value to your life in Rose City Park?

Please click this link and submit your ideas!

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Please join us: Portland Schools Community Care Day Saturday, August 27th, 9am-12pm

Hello Rose City Park Neighbors,

We are days away from our first day of the 2022-2023 school year, and we can’t wait! Please join our school communities and neighbors on Saturday, August 27th, 9am-12pm, to help prepare our playgrounds and school grounds, as part of our community’s annual “Project Community Care” day.  Activities will be held at Rose City Park Elementary, Roseway Heights Middle School, and all other schools in our district.

Project Community Care is an annual tradition established more than 20 years ago, and disrupted by COVID-19. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to lend a hand, beautify their school grounds, and meet one another!

Please visit for more information.

We hope to see you there!

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RCPNA January 26, 2021 General Community Meeting

hollywoodHUB Briefing_Rose City Park General NA_12620

rcpna video is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: RCPNA January 2021 General Community Meeting
Time: Jan 26, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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